Monday, August 11, 2008


Here are the comments/critiques for FINALIST #2

Highs: Nice face. Nice make-up. If I were to just judge you on your face. You'll be at the top of my list.

Lows: What we're you thinking when you put a nasty bag on your head? I doesn't work for me and to the theme for this week. It's not even fashion.

This is a very weak concept starting from the concept picture up to the actual execution. It was unimaginative and the item is not recyclable but more of a second hand accessory. One thing I appreciate is the way in which the model showed his eyes … and that made a slight difference and impact.

Hmm, surprisingly, very creative. Your depiction is strange. A macho Red Riding Hood! And very macho with the ropes. The red motif has overpowered you but you matched this with your very expressive eyes. Was that a leather hood? I was looking for a theme to go green but I didn’t see it.

Or was that so subtle that I cannot even detect it? Were it not for your creative rendering following the inspiration derived from the photo you sent, I would not have seen the theme at all. You really have the eyes. And that was your advantage.

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